How old is Kamal Givens? When is Kamal Givens's birthday? Where is Kamal Givens born? Where did Kamal Givens grow up from? What's Kamal Givens's age?
Kamal Givens Born: 1981 (age 42years), Los Angeles, CA
How about Kamal Givens's other_name?
Kamal Givens Other_name: Chance, "Famous"
How about Kamal Givens's parents?
Kamal Givens Parents: Claudia Givens, Robert Givens
How about Kamal Givens's sibling?
Kamal Givens Sibling: Ahmad Givens
Who was older Chance or real?
Better known as \u201cReal\u201d, one of the stars of VH1's Real Chance of Love, died after a long battle with cancer in 2015. He was only 33 years old. According to his brother, Kamaal aka \u201cChance\u201d from the same show shares what happened to his seemingly healthy brother.
Does Kamal Givens have a twin brother?
Better known as \u201cReal\u201d, one of the stars of VH1's Real Chance of Love, died after a long battle with cancer in 2015. He was only 33 years old. According to his brother, Kamaal aka \u201cChance\u201d from the same show shares what happened to his seemingly healthy brother.
What happened to Chance and real?
Better known as \u201cReal\u201d, one of the stars of VH1's Real Chance of Love, died after a long battle with cancer in 2015. He was only 33 years old. According to his brother, Kamaal aka \u201cChance\u201d from the same show shares what happened to his seemingly healthy brother.